Close Editor Tabs Left and Right

GroupId: de.funfried.netbeans.plugins
ArtifactId: nb-editor-close-left-right
Author:Fabian Bahle
License:Apache License, Version 2.0

2022-05-13     2024-04-20     63,460


Download matrix

Plugin version NetBeans compatible
1.0.0 NB 13 - Verified   NB 12.0 - Verified   NB 11.0 - Verified  
1.0.1 NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0   NB 11.0  
1.0.2 NB 18   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0   NB 11.0   NB 17  
1.0.3 NB 13   NB 12.0   NB 11.0   NB 18   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14  
1.0.4 NB 21   NB 20   NB 19   NB 18   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14  
1.0.5 NB 21   NB 20   NB 19   NB 18   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14  
1.0.6 NB 22 - Verification failed   NB 21 - Verified   NB 20 - Verified   NB 19 - Verified   NB 18 - Verified   NB 17 - Verified   NB 16 - Verified   NB 15 - Verified   NB 14 - Verified  


This plugin helps you to easily close unused or unwanted editor tabs. Instead of either close all tabs or all tabs except the currently selected you can also close the tabs right or left from the context menu of a selected tab at once.


This plugin helps you to easily close unused or unwanted editor tabs. Instead of either close all tabs or all tabs except the currently selected you can also close the tabs right or left from the context menu of a selected tab at once.