
GroupId: com.fizzed
ArtifactId: blaze-netbeans
Author:Joe Lauer
License:Apache 2

2021-12-02     2021-12-03     14,671

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Plugin version NetBeans compatible
2.0.0 NB 12.0 - Verified  


Netbeans plugin for Blaze. Supports opening projects with "blaze.jar" by themselves or enhances Maven, Ant, or Gradle projects with an extra "Blaze Files" package.


Blaze is a speedy, flexible, general purpose scripting and application launching stack for the JVM. Can replace shell scripts and plays nicely with other tools. Only requires a Java 8 runtime and adding blaze.jar to your project directory. Start writing portable and cross-platform scripts. Blaze pulls together stable, mature libraries from the Java ecosystem into a light-weight package that lets you focus on getting things done. When you invoke blaze, it does the following: Sets up console logging Loads your optional configuration file(s) Downloads runtime dependencies (e.g. jars from Maven central) Loads and compiles your script(s) Executes "tasks" (methods your script defines)