GroupId: eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.plantuml-nb
ArtifactId: PlantUML-NB
Author:Matthias Bläsing

2021-05-02     2024-06-03     122,429

Documentation  Utilities  

Download matrix

Plugin version NetBeans compatible
1.11 NB 17   NB 16 - Verified   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0 - Verified  
1.12 NB 20   NB 19   NB 18 - Verified   NB 17 - Verified  
1.13 NB 22 - Verified   NB 21 - Verified   NB 20 - Verified   NB 19 - Verified  


Integration of PlantUML into NetBeans


PlantUML-NB is a tool to integrate PlantUML into NetBeans. It provides syntax hightlighting and preview features for PlantUML file. PlantUML is a tool to create UML diagrams described by a textual description of them.

Changes in version 1.13:

  • Feature: Update to latest version of batik (1.17)
  • Feature: Update to latest version of PlantUML (1.2023.12)
  • Bugfix: Add missing dependency on ant (prevented diagram generation to work)