Applet Runner NetBeans Plugin

GroupId: com.japplis
ArtifactId: applet-runner-netbeans
Author:Anthony Goubard

2021-04-11     2024-05-27     18,536

Desktop Applications  Utilities  

Download matrix

Plugin version NetBeans compatible
0.9 NB 12.0  
0.9.1 NB 12.0  
0.9.7 NB 12.0  
1.0 NB 13   NB 12.0  
1.2 NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
1.2.1 NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
1.3 NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
1.3.1 NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
1.4 NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
2.0 NB 18   NB 17 - Verified   NB 16 - Verified   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
2.5 NB 18 - Verified   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
2.6 NB 19   NB 18   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
2.7 NB 20   NB 19 - Verified   NB 18   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
2.8 NB 21   NB 20 - Verified   NB 19   NB 18   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
2.9 NB 21 - Verified   NB 20   NB 19   NB 18   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
2.11 NB 22   NB 21   NB 20   NB 19   NB 18   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0  
2.12 NB 22   NB 21   NB 20   NB 19   NB 18   NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14  


NetBeans plugin that let you run applets inside your IDE.

Write a Java IDE plugin in a few line of code by writing a standard Java applet (no external library dependencies), easily package and deploy it

More than 100 links to applets included such as PDF, Word, Excel, CSV, Powerpoint, JSON, XML and YAML Viewers.
Terminal, HTML Browser, MP3 Player, Tetris, many text utilities, many image effects, many bilingual dictionaries and many more tools.


Plugin that runs applets in your NetBeans IDE or NetBeans RCP application.
  • Write a plugin without any external libraries / API dependencies
  • Write once, run in any Java IDE (JetBrains Platform IDE's like IntelliJ and Android Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans) or as a standalone application
  • Packaging is a standard Jar file and a html page with applet tag or a jnlp file
  • Deployment is put the files on a webserver or on a shared network drive.
  • Distribution is just sending the file location (html, jnlp, js, jar, java or class file)
  • Bookmarks
  • History
  • Detect applets from HTML applet tag, runApplet JavaScript, JNLP, .class, .java and .jar files
  • Try to recompile the local java file if the class file is missing or older
Included Applet Links:
  • Office
    • PDF Viewer
    • Microsoft Word Viewer (docx)
    • Excel & CSV Viewer (xlsx, xls, cvs)
    • Powerpoint Viewer (pptx)
  • Developers
    • VNC Client
    • Control Dashboard
    • Clipboard History (More features when running in Applet Runner Pro)
    • JSON Viewer
    • XML Viewer
    • Tree Data Explorer (xml, json, yaml, yml)
    • M2 Repo Cleaner
  • Japplis Toolbox: More than 50 text and Java utilities
    • Encoding / Decoding: URL, Base64, XML, Query parameters, Hex, Hexadecimal numbers, Binary numbers, ROT13, ROT47, Unicode, Morse, Cyrillic, Volapuk
    • Lines: Sort, Reverse, Shuffle, Number, Delete duplicates, Trim spaces, Extract words, Join, Sort by length, Remove empty, Delete 1 out of 2, Count occurrences, Format HTML/XML, Format JSON
    • Pattern: Prefix, Suffix, Keep regular expression (regexp), Remove regexp, Keep lines, Remove lines, Split regexp, Contains regexp, Replace regexp, To lowercase regexp, To uppercase regexp, Date to long, Long to date
    • Text Characteristics: Character count, Word count, Line count, XML validate, Hash code, MD2, MD5, CRC32, Adler32, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512
    • Properties: Java system properties, Java Swing UI Defaults, Computer environment properties
    • Characters: Character in specified font, Hexadecimal value based on specified character encoding, Decimal value, Character name, Character category
    • Find in files: Find regular expression in specified files, Show file names, Show found line numbers, Show number of occurrence found
  • Multimedia
    • Decoration: Image batch processor
    • Pastel: Simpler version of Decoration
    • Poster Font: Text to image title
    • Poster Font Light: Simpler version of Poster Font
    • MP3 Player (mp3, ogg)
    • Video Player (mp4, mkv, mp3, avi, ...)
    • Dictaphone: Record and replay audio from your computer
  • JLearnIt: a multilingual dictionary that helps you learn languages.
    • English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Russian, Latin and Czech
    • World countries, Elements Table, Morse Code and NATO alphabet, United States, Départements français, English/German/Dutch Irregular Verbs.
  • Japplis Watch: 9 time utilities
    • Clock, Calendar, Alarm clock, Stopwatch, Timer, Server clock, Time Zones, Countdown until Date, Pomodoro / HIIT
  • Post on Screen
  • Rollerboy 2 game
  • Tetris game
  • HTML Browser (Browser FX) for Windows
Note that the first time you start an Applet, it may be slower as files are downloaded and your antivirus is checking the executed code.