GUI Popup & Inspect

GroupId: org.exbin.utils.guipopup
ArtifactId: guipopup-netbeans-plugin
Author:Miroslav Hajda
License:Apache License, Version 2.0

2020-04-25     2024-04-20     134,087

Graphical User Interface  

Download matrix

Plugin version NetBeans compatible
0.1.1 NB 17   NB 16   NB 15   NB 14   NB 13   NB 12.0   NB 11.0  
0.1.2 NB 22 - Verified   NB 21 - Verified   NB 20 - Verified   NB 19 - Verified   NB 18 - Verified   NB 17 - Verified   NB 16 - Verified   NB 15 - Verified   NB 14 - Verified   NB 13 - Verified   NB 12.0 - Verified   NB 11.0 - Verified  


Registers popup menu and inspect function for all regular components in IDE.


Registers popup menu and inspect function for all regular components in IDE.

Use right click or Shift-F10 to show typical popup menu on various input boxes.
Use Alt + Shift + Ctrl/Mac + F12 to show component inspect dialog


  • Show popup menu with clipboard cut/copy/paste actions delete, select all and some utilities actions
  • Supported components JTextComponent, JList, JTable
  • Shows inspect dialog with values readable by reflections for component currently pointed on with mouse